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If you’re here because you’re currently reviewing one of my submitted papers, I genuinely appreciate your time and expertise. Your feedback is vital to improving the work, and I’m confident that together we can resolve any questions or concerns.
Peer-reviewed academic articles (hover over the title for abstract):
- A closer look at Doleac and Mukherjee (2022) and the effects of naloxone access laws on opioid ER admissions
- Transforming nursing assessment in acute hospitals: A cluster randomised controlled trial of an evidence-based nursing core assessment (the ENCORE trial)
- Harm reduction or amplification? The adverse impact of a supervised injection room on housing prices
- Wage equation misrepresents gay wage discrimination: overlooked evidence from Russia
- Fines for illicit drug use do not prevent future crime: evidence from randomly assigned judges
- Technical change and wage premiums amongst skilled labor: evidence from the economic transition
- Changes in and correlates of Australian public attitudes toward illicit drug use
- The Australian ready-to-drink beverages tax missed its target age group
- The role of imputed rents in intergenerational income mobility in three countries
Other writing:
- Western sanctions are only strengthening Putin’s grip on power (2022)
- Доказательная государственная политика: опыт Австралии (2021)
- Australia’s Current Alcohol Tax System Impedes Public Health Policy (2021)
- Covid-19 and Australia’s Housing Crisis: How the Intergenerational Impact Can Go Undetected (2021)
- Comparing the effects of homeownership on intergenerational income mobility in the US, Germany, and Australia (2019)
- Умом пощупать то, что глазами не увидеть (2017)
Articles under review:
- Cluster trials inference with CARE
- On non-robustness of income polarization measures to housing cycles
- Dual-edged benefits of drug policing: a quarter century’s lesson from a heroin drought
- Further findings on the intergenerational transmission of alcohol consumption
Articles in progress:
- Does avoiding a criminal record reduce the likelihood of further offending?
- Opportunity as replacement therapy
- A Liquor License Density and Alcohol-related Crimes in NSW
- HOPE: Health Outcomes and Post-incarceration Evaluation
Shelved work for the future:
- Preliminary Evaluation of the NSW Government’s Bump It Up Program
- An auction-theoretical model of grade inflation
- Leveraging the quasi-random assignment of interviewers within the examiner design to identify the effects of stigmatized behavior in non-experimental settings
- Male sexual orientation does not affect health, substance dependence, and earnings: evidence from randomly assigned interviewers
- Cannabis use worsens the gender pay gap
- Income gender disparity and decline in drinking
- Quantifying Russian gays with census
- Democracy does improve human capital