Imagine a pile of rubble () where the separated elements of the pile are stones (). By picking stones we form a sample that we can sort by…
It must be a good restaurant since the line is so long. Hm… you are likely just failed to update your beliefs in a rational way. Imagine…
Always start from the histogram, any non-parametric density estimation methods are essentially fancier versions of a histogram. Compare the problem of choosing and optimal size of…
Check my presentation on an empirical model of firm entry with endogenous product-type choices. (here) A normal reaction to the presentation’s topic should be “whaat? why…
To overcome its physical vulnerability ants developed a unique way to navigate in uncertainty. The chemical trace allows to an ant and all his bodies…
A little report on a paper about a collision in the electricity market in the UK. In the late 1990s, the combination of game theory and…
Мой доклад про применение теории аукционов в энергосетях. Когда я первый раз услышала про аукционы и про теорию ауцкионов, я был уверен что это самая…
The only difference between machine learning and good old econometrics is the area of application. Econemetricians try to predict the past, e.g. explain what was…
How to estimate production function by looking at the output, labour and capital only? Normally it is impossible, capital and labor does not work on…
Доклад, который я делал недавно. Он про то как экпериментально показали процесс снижения эффективности если выгодно быть быстрее всех. В супермаркетах на выходных очень часто…